Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Free Essays on The French Revolution
to identify themselves to the king, they obtained arms. If they felt the need to express their dissatisfaction with the king, they marched right up and demanded it. Simply, if they felt they didn’t like what was going on, they changed it. For these reasons the common people of France pulled the revolution together in order to get what they wanted; which was radical reformation of equality. The revolution evolved from France’s national debt. After France fought the American Revolution, Louis XVI had accumulated a national debt. The country was unable to pay this debt, due to a lack of central bank, paper currency, credit, and an out of date tax system. Louis XVI imposed monitorial rights, which gave noble the right to tax peasants for their own profit, as Louis did. This unfair taxing system caused the Estates General to meet for the first time in several years. (Mckay 698) The Estates General consisted of three estates; the clergy, nobles, and commoners (third estate). Ironically, the three bodies were together separately. At first, the three bodies voted separately as Louis had requested. Louis was only interested in divine right, and to achieve that no one could over power him. He told the three orders that they should meet as one body only for common interest, but vote separately. (Belloc 49) The proposals of the Prime Minister Necker, were brought to the attention of the Estates General. These reforms requested the vote be taken by head rather then by state... Free Essays on The French Revolution Free Essays on The French Revolution The French Revolution To a great extent the common people of France were the primary impetus for action during the French Revolution. When Marquis de Lafayette came back with his love of liberty, life in France was never the same. It started the idea of reform. The people who had no rights or land were the commoners, and they really needed and wanted the reform. The commoners needed the reform in order to continue life in France. When they needed more then words to identify themselves to the king, they obtained arms. If they felt the need to express their dissatisfaction with the king, they marched right up and demanded it. Simply, if they felt they didn’t like what was going on, they changed it. For these reasons the common people of France pulled the revolution together in order to get what they wanted; which was radical reformation of equality. The revolution evolved from France’s national debt. After France fought the American Revolution, Louis XVI had accumulated a national debt. The country was unable to pay this debt, due to a lack of central bank, paper currency, credit, and an out of date tax system. Louis XVI imposed monitorial rights, which gave noble the right to tax peasants for their own profit, as Louis did. This unfair taxing system caused the Estates General to meet for the first time in several years. (Mckay 698) The Estates General consisted of three estates; the clergy, nobles, and commoners (third estate). Ironically, the three bodies were together separately. At first, the three bodies voted separately as Louis had requested. Louis was only interested in divine right, and to achieve that no one could over power him. He told the three orders that they should meet as one body only for common interest, but vote separately. (Belloc 49) The proposals of the Prime Minister Necker, were brought to the attention of the Estates General. These reforms requested the vote be taken by head rather then by state...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Detox your writing - Emphasis
Detox your writing Detox your writing Is your writing feeling a bit flabby and out of shape? Treat it to a one-month detox treatment by following these three rules. Get active The active voice is more direct, dynamic and accountable. The Government took no action is better than No action was taken or No action was taken by the Government. Its far better to have people or organisations taking action than to describe things as mysteriously happening or being done. When you use the active voice, you sometimes find an even simpler way of expressing yourself. A payment was made by the chief executive last week. becomes The chief executive made a payment last week. which you can then change to The chief executive paid last week. Stay structured Few of the people you write for are psychic or have infallible memories. If you put the main part of the sentence at the end, they will have to read to the end before they can start to understand the beginning. This mental back-flip could be all it takes to confuse them, distract them, or put them off. Structuring sentences logically will: keep your readers reading make sure they need to read each sentence only once get your message across. Always put the primary clause first. Or, in other words, put the what before the why. So, rather than In order to achieve these targets within the specified timeframe, we need to begin the training now. write We need to begin the training now, in order to achieve these targets within the specified timeframe. or, even better (see Lose the padding, below) We need to begin the training now, so we can hit our targets on time. Also, try to stick to the rule of one sentence = one idea. Aim for an average sentence length of 15-20 words; an absolute maximum of 35. Remember, there is no limit to the number of full stops you can use. Lose the padding Never mistake the ability to use elaborate phrases for a sign of intellect. Whats the point of using your brain to translate a short word into a long one, so that your readers have to use their brains to translate it back again before they even start to take in your message? Its also a fallacy that short words are somehow lightweight or less useful. In fact, they are often the most powerful. No one is saying that you have to use them all the time that would be boring. But if you want your sentences to have more impact, streamline them by doing these three simple things: cut out redundant words replace long words with short ones replace long phrases with short ones. After the detox Just as with healthy eating and exercise regimes, the secrets of writing well in the long term are to enjoy it and to let yourself experiment. Use this month as an opportunity to clamp down on any bad writing habits youve slipped into by really focusing on these three points. But that doesnt mean that you can never again use the passive voice or your favourite long word. This month, we fast. In the long term, its all about the moderation. Challenge Meanwhile, heres a quick four-point exercise to ponder as you crunch your carrots: 1. Reduce this sentence from nine words to five: It is possible that the Chancellor will cut taxes. 2. Rewrite this sentence without the nominalisation (-tion words): It was his conviction that the provision of bicycles to law officers would lead to a reduction in crime. 3. Cut two words out of this sentence: Sarah Thompson, who is our marketing director, will lead the discussion. 4. Rewrite this sentence without the prepositions (of, on, in, by, to): The recession is of great concern to small-business owners.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
1.An assessment of the economic impact of the 2012 Olympics on London Essay
1.An assessment of the economic impact of the 2012 Olympics on London - Essay Example As such, examining the economic benefits of the 2012 London Olympics would be critical. It has become critical for nations to evaluate the benefits of Olympic Games at the early bidding stages, referred to as economic impact assessment by Oxford Economics (2012). This enlightens the host city on the economic benefits resulting from hosting these games and subsequently promotes the local context of bringing significant gains to the local economy. Indeed, it would be appreciated that the Olympics 2012 greatly benefited London’s tourism, labour market and retail economy. To understand these economic benefits to London, it would be appropriate to consider the cost of hosting the Games. Every four years a city hosts the Olympics, massive sums of money would be spent on facilities, housing and maintenance and transport infrastructure. According to the Department for Culture, Media and Sport, DCMS (2012), the British government had set a budget of  £9.325 billion for hosting the 2012 Olympic Games. Of this,  £5.975 billion was to be sourced from the central government,  £2.175 billion from the national lottery,  £925 million from the Greater London Authority and  £250 million from the London Development Agency. This was much higher than the  £5.906 billion budget at the time of bidding. Core Olympic costs were to consume  £3.081 billion including transport infrastructure, venue, programme management and site security. The other amount was to be shared among tax costs, policing and wider security and contingency among others. Even so, as th e even neared, there were reports of the government running far beyond the budget, King (2012) estimating this at  £2 billion some fifty days to the event. Finally, the government spent between  £14 billion and  £20 billion (Greyser & Kogan 2013), security provisions having escalated the budget significantly. With such massive
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
The constructivism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The constructivism - Essay Example The constructivist theory is student centered not teaching centered. The teacher allows the students to make use of their knowledge and helps them in construction of their knowledge. Unlike traditional theories of learning that define a teacher as an informer or deliverer of knowledge, in construction theory, teacher is only the guide. The students are not receivers of knowledge; they conceive their previously attained knowledge and employ it in constructing new knowledge. Teachers help the students in collaborative construction of knowledge by social negotiation and reflective practice. This means that the students learn in a collaborative environment in which, he is not alone to learn but he has many more learners with him, a whole class. This can be understood by the example given at the starting of the chapter in which, the students are involved in constructing an elaborate city bus. The students did not allow Tommy to enter the bus because of his adopted role as an animal. Later on, the teacher negotiates to the students about why should animals not allowed in bus and they reflect according to their own received experiences. The students learn by collaborative construction of knowledge and they are facilitated by the teacher in terms of their learning. The teacher negotiates about their conceptions and understanding and allows them to reflect on the situation. They practice what they see and by their teacher’s help, they are able to construct knowledge that was generalized previously.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
The League Of Nations And United Nations Essay Example for Free
The League Of Nations And United Nations Essay Introduction International organizations were created basically to function according to the principles of decision-making among member countries represented by appointed or elected representatives. These powerful leaders unite and agree on an issue or in determining solutions and conclusions that involves the welfare of all races across the world. Issues like economics, international law, human rights and security of not only for developed countries but of the third world countries as well. There is a common purpose and goal, joined together for world peace. Nations are associated to work as a single unit. Such associations are founded many centuries ago by leaders of past generations to avoid riot, confusion and continuous killings among nations. Within these organizations, principal subordinate groups, bodies, assembly, mandates and members were structured accordingly. However, not all powerful organizations have strong foundations. Others may fail due to coincidental flaws and lapses that lead to its eventual demise. They have failed to achieve matters that concern the welfare of the people. Their approach to issues might be weak. Thus, conflicts were not resolved as they were highly expected to have been done. The League of Nations is one organization that led to such failure. This paved way to the emergence of The United Nations. After The League of Nations’ failure to prevent war, it was decided to create a new body to replace the League’s role. The League of Nations and the United Nations are international assemblies that have the same vision. They both aim to achieve peace among nations and security which may lead to economic stability. The difference is that the former failed as history narrates, and the latter still exists and continuously binding nations for a better and peaceful world to live in. It also has its flaws and negative approach to some activists who are against some processes the organization implements but we can only hope that their advocacy for peace may succeed. League of Nations To put an end to the World War I, an international organization was formed. This was called The League of Nations. The organization was founded by signing peace agreements. The aim of the League was to uphold harmony and safety among international countries. The First World War resulted to the League of Nations in a way that it made people realize that there is a need for prevention of another catastrophe (League of Nations). Its philosophy is sincere and its legacy will continue on for the next hundred years. However its foundation became weak and has not proven that it can prevent future world wars. The League failed to have its own armed forces. It was very much dependent on Great Powers on inflicting decrees. Also, the Great Powers still had the control on which sanctions chosen by the League would be implemented. The League was also not capable of deciding whether or not to accept taxes. Furthermore, the United Kingdom and France were hesitant on choosing military sanctions by the League. These two nations are the most powerful members of the League. League of Nations failed to achieve its mission. They should have successfully met their goals of preventing war, by means of collective security, diplomatic negotiations in calming down disputes between nations and developing global welfare (Sambasivam). The League of Nations back then had three principal structures: the assembly, the council, and the secretariat. The assembly is the central body of the League. Each state’s representative made up the assembly. They conducted meeting every year. They were responsible in making resolutions and legal advisories. The council is a sub-group of the representatives but they were apart from the assembly. Their role was to intercede and straighten out between disputing countries. The secretariat was the office of the General Secretary. He was the overall in-charge of the League and responsible for its every action. It also established mandates which refer to territories defeated in the war. It formally took away sovereignty of the controlling states then transfer mandatory powers to individual states among the Allied Powers (League of Nations). Due to the right of the members to represent each of their nations, they ended up protecting their own interests and lost its dedication to the goals of the League. The outbreak of World War I would be the effect of these weaknesses and failure to convince leaders lost its supposedly powerful grip. The League of Nations would have met the dream of races of all nations all over the world of a better place to live in. The United Nations Taking over that job, after thirty years of eventual failures, is the United Nations. All services, mandates, and property were turned over to them. Founded after World War II and came into being on October 1945, it hopes to continue the vision of the past assembly for peace and security, social progress, and guide minorities and the common people of their awareness of their human rights (History of the United Nations) . The United Nations has a more comprehensive and in-depth approach to matters concerning all nations. According to the official website of UN, the union intends to uphold respect among human races and their rights and keep and preserve the environment. It also gives attention the improvement of living standards, and fight against disease. Furthermore, agencies of UN delineate standards for safely and economically air traveling. It also deals with illegal drugs selling and terrorism through worldwide campaigns. Aside from these issues, UN also gives assistance to refugees and develops strategies in clearing up landmines. Essentially, the union also provides opportunities towards the stability of global interdependence and national sovereignty. It also encourages interests among countries when tackling international problems (â€Å"UN in Brief†). Compared to the League of Nations, UN has opened its doors to all nations, advocates of peace who are willing to comply with obligations presented in the Charter. The attitude of the members greatly affects the decision of the General Assembly, by the recommendation of the Security Council. It has a more systematic structure based on five principal branches. These are UN General Assembly, Security Council, Economic and Social Council, Secretariat, and International Court of Justice respectively. It designates committees to address issues on peace and security, peacekeeping, human rights, humanitarian assistance, international development, and bureaucratic inefficiency (â€Å"How the UN Works†). Conclusion The League of Nations was a failure and ineffective with its performance as an assembly that might have prevented World War II. Eventually, the United Nations inherited the crisis of warring nations. UN, up to this day has continued to maintain its ability in deploying armed forces of its member nations as peacekeepers. It engages in peacekeeping and not only deals with issues of politics but also displays empathy and reaches out to other cultures through humanitarian missions. United Nations was structured as in the first place to assemble a more effective body compared to the League. Apparently, it has succeeded in calling for its nation members to give contributions with regards to armed inventions. However, in some instances unavoidable, it has been relying on economic commendations for funding.  The dream continues. The UN founders envision a pleasant world to live, wherein there would be absence of conflicts and wars between nations. It is a fact that the vision is not yet realized until this day. Conflicts continue that rages across the globe. Countries decide to break-up and the dominance of leadership brings out further challenges for the United Nations. REFERENCES: History of the United Nations. United Nations, 2000. How the UN Works. United Nations, 2000. League of Nations. The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia. 6th ed: Columbia University Press, 2007. League of Nations. Encyclopedia of Espionage, Intelligence, and Security.: The Gale Group, Inc., 2004. Sambasivam, Sivakami. Lessons from World War II. 2006. â€Å"UN in Brief†: United Nations, 2000.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Children and Television Essays -- Sociology
As Americans we should be very concerned about the effect that television is having on our children. Today's children watch far too much television. As a result, a number of horrific conditions occur, which could have easily been prevented, if we as parents and caregivers simply would get off of our lazy butts and just turn off the tube. The National Coalition for Children and Families states, "By the time adolescents graduate from high school, they will have spent 15,000 hours watching television, compared with 12,000 hours spent in the classroom." The influence that television is having on America's children is having alarming results. Everyday we are seeing more and more children with developmental delays, distorted realities, and just plain laziness. Children as young a one year old and younger are influenced by television, and the effects have already begun to take place before we even notice that the baby is watching. Television has become a complete nuisance. It has taken hold of our children's lives and it is sucking their energy, creativity, and personalities right out of them. There are many educators, caregivers, and parents who are under the belief that television is an essential learn tool and has helped many children to advance beyond their age level. Many shows such as Blue's Clues, Sesame Street, and Barney are geared to teaching young children between the ages of 2 - 5. But the truth of the matter is children at this tender age are watching television without receiving any personal interaction. One on one interaction is a key developmental tool that is so desperately needed for toddlers to be able to progress in learning. But a line must be drawn when we allow television to be the sol... ...ll this help them to create a healthier lifestyle, but it will also help them to build their immune systems against disease. Grab a book and sit down and read to your child or have them read to you. This will help to develop their vocabulary and personal interaction skills, and not to mention its fun too. Another great idea is to pull out a game and sit down and play with your children. This will not only teach them many valuable skills, but also give them great memories for years to come. Basically it's about getting back to parenting. Learning together, and teaching each other new things, will help to develop a great relationship between the two of you. Give the babysitter (the television) the night off and just spend time with your kids. If you can do this, your children will be smarter and more secure, not to mention happier, healthier members of society.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Machiavelli’s Premise Essay
1. Do you agree with Machiavelli’s premise that if given the choice between the two, the prince is better served by being feared than loved? How does Machiavelli make the case for his position (details, modes)? Are his arguments convincing? If you took the self-analysis on high-Mach or low-Mach, what were the results, and were you surprised by your score? 2. What is the thesis of Neil Postman’s forward? Do you agree or disagree with his point of view? Provide support for your position. 1- The prince is better feared than loved, although striking a balance between the two would be best. As Machiavelli stated that the prince should do his utmost to escape hatred and too much fear would create hatred. The prince should try to balance love and fear based on his people and the situation at hand. 2- Both authors have different point of views; Orwell’s view is that we will be deprived of things by externally imposed oppression and by inflicting pain while Huxley’s view is that we will be distracted from our real goals with lust and pleasure. I agree to some extent on both points of views, except for the part that states that what we hate will ruin us. If you hate something that is bad then I don’t see anything wrong with it; I don’t think it can ruin us in any way. On the other hand I agree that lust and desire only lead to greed and other sins which corrupt us. Would time traveling be cool? Time travelling would not be cool. In fact many scientists have done a lot of research on black holes and time warps. Einstein did work on it as well as Stephen Sawking to no avail. Actually Stephen changed his theory on the black holes losing and retaining information twice. If time traveling was possible we would be open to endless opportunities and nothing would be a challenge. Life would be stale without surprises, discoveries and evolution.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Erving Goffman The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life Essay
Erving Goffman has completed a wonderful presentation of human behaviour and face-to-face interactions, of a first meeting between two people, who may or may not have an audience. The use of a theatrical performance to explain the interaction was indeed an ingenious idea that kept me intrigued until the very end. This book was written in 1959 but its referencing to human behaviour is still very much relevant to today’s life style. Human behaviour patterns have been written about by many individuals over the years, why we do the things we do or how long we have been undertaking these behaviours. Is there any relevance to the patterns in our behaviour? It would seem there definitely appears to be. As a society, to influence how another person perceives who we are. We give appearances and refinements of someone we want people to see, yet not particularly who we truly are. Goffman describes this as a performance, a play that we put on to give a good first impression. This play could become a nightmare, if we do not keep it under control. It can be difficult to play the part of someone you are not, for the reason that it can rebound on you. It is better to persist with who you are, and not reveal all of yourself in the beginning, like a good story. To present who we are, we should start at the foundation, begin with presenting an opening act. This act should be near to true life, the person you would like to be known as. Currently a person of importance gives the impression that they know what they are doing, example your doctor. If they were a person who, on first meeting gave the impression that they were unsure, confused and unconfident, would you go back to them? No, perhaps not. Even when they are having a bad day your doctor will always appear to be in control, so that we feel more at ease. When we first meet new people we try to acquire information about them, it is then how the person delivers this information, that we base our assumptions. People give information verbally and non-verbally by expressions, movements, gestures and other presumably unintentional communications, like a slight smile. Our brain takes all this information into consideration then makes a personal judgment based on the material it collects. There is so much information for us to collect and make our decision on, that we sometimes need a second meeting to be able to make a correct judgement on a particular person we have meet. Goffman concludes that his own assumptions are made upon a face-to-face interaction and the result of an encounter, the performance that is given to each particular participant and their performance as a basic point of reference. In conclusion, Goffmans writings clearly represent how we present ourselves in everyday life today, and possibly well into the future. References Erving, Goffman (1959). The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life, New York, Anchor Books, pp. 1-16.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Vacuum Definition and Examples
Vacuum Definition and Examples Vacuum Definition A vacuum is a volume that encloses little or no matter. In other words, it is a region that has a gaseous pressure much lower than that of atmospheric pressure.A partial vacuum is a vacuum with low amounts of matter enclosed. A total, perfect, or absolute vacuum has no matter enclosed. Sometimes this type of vacuum is referred to as free space. The term vacuum comes from the Latin vacuus, which means empty. Vacuus, in turn, comes from the word vacare, which means be empty. Common Misspellings vaccum, vaccuum, vacuume Vacuum Examples Vacuum tubes are devices, usually made of glass, that contain very low gas pressures inside the tube.Space is considered a vacuum. Space does contains matter, but the pressure is much lower than what you would find on a planet, for example.A vacuum cleaner sucks up debris because it creates a pressure difference between the area to be cleaned and the suction tube.Your lungs intake air when your diaphragm drops, creating a partial vacuum in the alveoli of the lungs, causing air to rush in.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
How to Speak Like a Italian Like
How to Speak Like a Italian Like If you want to learn Italian, forget your native tongue. If you want to speak Italian like a native, then spend some time in Italy speaking only Italian. If you want to read Italian, then pick up an Italian newspaper and peruse whatever section interests you. The point is, if you want to achieve competency in Italian, you must think like an Italian- and that means getting rid of the helpers that are real hindrances and standing on your own two (linguistic) feet. Bilingual Dictionaries Are a Crutch Speaking English to your friends is a waste of time if your goal is to speak Italian. Making grammatical comparisons between English and Italian are worthless. It sounds counterintuitive, but in the end, each language has rules and forms that are unique and sometimes illogical. And translating back and forth in your head before speaking or reading is the ultimate fools errand that will never lead to real-time speaking competence. Interact With Native Speakers So many people approach language as a science and get completely tongue-tied- witness the e-mail questions this SiteGuide receives daily about obscure Italian grammatical points and textbook recommendations. Learners obsess over minutiae, as if Italian could be dissected, instead of speaking Italian and interacting with native speakers. Imitate them. Mimic them. Ape them. Copy them. Let go of your ego and make believe youre an actor trying to sound Italian. But please- no books with something else to memorize. That turns off students immediately and is not effective in the least. Ignore English Grammar If there’s one bit of advice I can offer to anyone studying Italian, regardless of your level: Stop thinking in English! Ignore English grammar- you’re wasting a lot of mental energy trying to translate literally and construct sentences according to English syntax. In a letter to the editor in The New York Times Magazine, Lance Strate, an associate professor of Communication and Media Studies at Fordham University in The Bronx reinforces this point: ...it does not follow that all languages are equal, and therefore interchangeable. If this were true, the translation would be a relatively simple and straightforward affair, and learning another language would involve nothing more than learning to substitute one code for another, much like using Roman numerals. The truth is that different languages differ in highly significant ways, in grammar as well as vocabulary, which is why each language represents a unique way of codifying, expressing, and understanding the world. We do not become fluent in a new language until we stop translating and simply start thinking in the new language, because each language represents a distinctive medium of thought. Let Go of Your Fear of Making Mistakes Your goal should be to communicate, not sound as if you have a Ph.D. in Italian grammar (you’ll never do it, anyway, since there are only a small number of native Italians who are that well-versed in the intricacies of their own language. But certainly, most of them can communicate their every emotion, fear, want, and need.). Your biggest mistake, and what will hold you back, is using English as a crutch and being afraid of opening your mouth wide and singing that lovely language called la bella lingua. At the risk of sounding discouraging, a lot of language learners just don’t get it, and never will. It’s similar to taking dance lessons. You can put cut-out feet on the floor with numbers on them and take lessons from an expert, but if you don’t have rhythm, and you don’t have that swing, you’re always and forever going to look like a klutz on the dance floor, no matter how many lessons you take and how much you practice. So what do you do if you’re not a good dancer and weren’t born with natural rhythm? Scripted Responses Learning scripted responses in foreign languages is unproductive. Every textbook for beginners devotes many pages to dialogue that’s stilted and simply doesn’t occur in real life. So why teach it?! If you ask a person on the street Dov’e’ il museo? and he doesn’t respond according to the script you memorized, then what? You’re stuck, because there is an infinite number of potential responses, and none of us has enough time on the face of this earth to memorize them. And that person on the street is going to keep on walking because he’s headed to a great pizzeria. Learning scripted responses in foreign languages encourages a false sense of confidence. It doesnt translate into real-time speaking competence nor will you understand the musicality of the language. It’s like looking at a musical score and expecting to be a master violinist just because youve memorized the notes. Instead, you have to play it, and play it again and again. Likewise with the Italian language. Play with it! Practice! Listen to native Italian speakers and mimic them. Laugh at yourself trying to pronounce gli correctly. Italian, more so than many languages, is musical, and if you remember that analogy it will come easier. There is no secret, no Rosetta Stone, no silver bullet when it comes to learning a language. You have to listen and repeat ad nauseum. You will make a quantum leap in learning Italian when you abandon your native tongue and disengage from the grammar that you implicitly learned when you were a child.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Ethics and Governance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Ethics and Governance - Essay Example , stakeholders, suppliers etc it may be an ethical organization but the animal rights activist groups or the individuals who are vegetarians could look upon the activities of the organization as being highly unethical just as the cannibals are regarded as unethical by the majority of people. The subject of business ethics touches upon the frontiers of many subjects which are controversial, in fact it touches upon the controversy of human life, the dilemma of the creation into which we all have been born . To go into detail into even any one of these subjects is beyond the scope of this paper but it is helpful for the reader to be aware of all the other subjects which effect business ethics. Organizations do have some individual values; if they strive for profit making then the value behind it may be self reliance and striving for excellence, this drive for excellence may be highly supported by certain cultures, but in the process the organization may be producing certain outcomes which may not be desirable for certain groups and even for the society at large. For example an organization individually may be releasing very little pollutants in the environment but there are other organizations who also have the same individual value system and the urge to strive for excellence who are also releasing the pollutants and when summed up leads to a huge amount of pollutants in the environment which are harmful to a large number of people, thus raising the need for legal interventions and code of ethics in this case restricting the organization from polluting beyond a certain limit or charging higher environmental tax to the larger polluters. Also the organizations are forced t o comply to ethical standards when they come under pressure from various groups, when they are made to realize how the pursuit of their own interests are harming others or when they are threatened to stop pursuing their own objectives which is proving to be harmful to others then there is a
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